YPFS Resource Library

Documents Relating to Financial Crises

Our Resource Library includes primary sources such as documents implementing government actions, internal company documents, press releases, and testimony of government officials. Secondary resources include government reports, academic papers, media stories, and interviews with key persons involved in the crises interventions. At this time, our Resource Library consists primarily of materials relating to the Global Financial Crisis (2007-), but we are expanding to include materials regarding other crises.

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Showing 1 - 10 of 11 results

Law amending the law of August 2, 2002 on the supervision of the financial sector and financial services, as well as the law of February 22, 1998 establishing the organic statute of the National Bank of Belgium, and laying down various provisions (1 )

July 02, 2010

Royal Decree amending the Royal Decree of October 16, 2008 taken in execution of article 117bis of the Law of August 2 , 2002 on the supervision of the financial sector and on financial services

October 07, 2009

Law introducing measures to promote financial stability and establishing, in particular, a State guarantee for credits granted and other operations carried out in the context of financial stability

October 15, 2008
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