Inflation Report Banco de la República/ Bank of the Republic (Colombia) September 2008 Download “Inflation Report” Report Colombia
Report of the Board of Directors to the Congress of the Republic Bank of the Republic (Colombia): Board of Directors March 2008 Download “Report of the Board of Directors to the Congress of the Republic” Report Colombia
External Resolution No. 5 of June 20, 2008 Which are Issued and Summarize the Scheme Rules of Engagement of the Credit Institutions Colombia: Banco de la República June 20, 2008 Download “External Resolution No. 5 of June 20, 2008 Which are Issued and Summarize the Scheme Rules of Engagement of the Credit Institutions” Resolution Colombia
External Resolution No. 8 of 2000 (May 5) Providing a Summary of the Foreign-Exchange Regime Bank of the Republic (Colombia): Board of Directors May 05, 2000 Download “External Resolution No. 8 of 2000 (May 5) Providing a Summary of the Foreign-Exchange Regime” Resolution Colombia
Law 31 of 1992 regarding the Bank of the Republic Colombia: Congreso/ Congress December 29, 1992 Download “Law 31 of 1992 regarding the Bank of the Republic” Statute Colombia
Financial Institutions Guarantee Fund (FOGAFIN) - Who are we? Colombia: (FOGAFIN) Financial Institutions Guarantee Fund 2021 Download “Financial Institutions Guarantee Fund (FOGAFIN) - Who are we? ” Webpage Broad-Based Capital Injection Colombia
Resolution 006 (August 10, 2001) Colombia: (FOGAFIN) Financial Institutions Guarantee Fund August 10, 2001 Download “Resolution 006 (August 10, 2001)” Statute Broad-Based Capital Injection Colombia
Decreto 2331 de 1998 - Por el cual se dictan medidas tendientes a resolver la situación de los sectores financieros Colombia: Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público November 16, 1998 Download “Decreto 2331 de 1998 - Por el cual se dictan medidas tendientes a resolver la situación de los sectores financieros” Statute Broad-Based Capital Injection Colombia
Decreto 2330 de 1998 - Por el cual se declara el Estado de Emergencia Económica y Social Colombia: Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público November 16, 1998 Download “Decreto 2330 de 1998 - Por el cual se declara el Estado de Emergencia Económica y Social” Statute Broad-Based Capital Injection Colombia
Government of Colombia sells non-performing assets for 306 mln dollars Thomson Reuters: Reuters June 15, 2007 Download “Government of Colombia sells non-performing assets for 306 mln dollars” Article-News Broad-Based Asset Management Program Colombia