
YPFS Definition

Digital or paper copies of written electronic communications 
 Identified by the "To, From, Subject, Re:" format. Also it will include timestamps of when communications were sent, and specific email addresses.

How to Identify Author

Sender of the email ( any name next to the "From" through the document). Up to 6 individuals, beyond this number you can just describe the senders generally in the additional information box.

How to Identify Publisher

The person or entity that made the emails available for public viewing - this often noted in the heading or footer of the document. If this information isn't provided  use the sender's organization as the publisher.

Node Naming Convention 

Use the title as provided OR  Some variation of the following naming convention: Email from [Sending Individual/Organization] to [Recipient Individual/Organization] regarding [Subject/General Topic].

Ex. McCarron email to Newsom and Le re Federal Register Notice of Open Meeting of FCIC 
SEC Email from Robert E Seabolt to James Giles and Steven Spurry Re bs risk identification points

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