
YPFS Definition

A message sent by a company or person to an external party.

How to Identify Author

In most cases, the "From" party is the Author.
 If there is more than one sending party, include up to 6 as authors. If there are more than 6 authors, include the remaining names in the additional information box.

How to Identify Publisher

Most often the sending party is the publisher. Include the person and entity if named.

Node Naming Convention 

Use the title as provided OR  Some variation of the following naming convention in which the [To:] and [From:] parties are identified: Letter from [Sending Individual/Organization] to [Recipient Individual/Organization] regarding [Subject/General Topic]


Letter from Kenneth R. Feinberg to Tracy Hackman Re: Proposed Compensation Payments and 
Letter to Ron Bloom and Steven Rattner, members Of President Obama's Auto Task Force

Related Content Types in Library 

Memorandum - General - a message shared internally in a business office or institution intend to record the details of an event or communicate information for future use.


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